The Krewe of Krampus Costumes
When it comes to costumes, New Orleans is King and Queen. Being part of this city and the parade culture, Krewe of Krampus takes costuming very seriously. We aim to provide parade goers the most creative and sincere experience we can offer.
Our parade, the Krampus NOLAuf, has four main components in terms of costumes. To keep true to what you might see at a Krampuslauf in Europe, we have some guidelines for our Krampus group to withhold and are the focal point of the parade. Contrasting the dark and menacing Krampus costumes are our Sisters of Shhh. While they may appear to be light and beautiful, make noise in their presence and you will quickly find the contrary.
However, when it comes to good vs. evil there is nothing negative about our St. Nicholas. He surely will bring you joy (as long as you haven’t been too naughty!).
Finally, as the NOLAuf still takes place in the streets of New Orleans and not the Alps, we have to put our touch on this tradition. Which is where our Xmas Monsters present creatures and beings from other parts of the world that also reward the good and punish the naughty each winter.